Welcome to LUCI’s documentation!

LUCI is a general purpose fitting pipeline built specifically with SITELLE IFU data cubes in mind; however, if you need to fit any emission line spectra, LUCI will be able to help!
You can download the example data using the following command:
wget -O NGC6946_SN3.hdf5 https://ws.cadc-ccda.hia-iha.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/data/pub/CFHT/2307000z.hdf5?RUNID=xc9le6u8llecp7fp
This will download the hdf5 file for SN3 (R~400) NGC 6946. The file is just under 900 Mb, so the download may take a while. Note you may need to change the name of the HDF5 file to NGC6946_SN3.merged.cm1.1.0.hdf5.
The region files used in the examples can be found in the ‘Examples/regions’ folder. To run the examples, place these region files in the same directory as the hdf5 file.
If you are new to SITELLE, I suggest you start with the Basic Example. If you already know how the fitting procedure works, you can go straight to Basic Example Lite.
Please note that this documentation is not exhaustive. If you have any questions or wish to see any new implementation, please send a message to carter.rhea@umontreal.ca.
Lines Available
Line Name |
Wavelength (nm) |
Halpha |
656.280 |
NII6548 |
654.803 |
NII6583 |
658.341 |
SII6716 |
671.647 |
SII6731 |
673.085 |
OII3726 |
372.603 |
OII3729 |
372.882 |
OIII4959 |
495.891 |
OII5007 |
500.684 |
Hbeta |
486.133 |
FeXIV5303 |
530.286 |
NI5200 |
520.026 |
FeVII5158 |
515.89 |
HeII5411 |
541.152 |
OI6364 |
636.378 |
The available fitting functions are as follows: ‘gaussian’, ‘sinc’, ‘sincgauss’
The output files will be in the following structure:
You can easily convert the HDF5 data cube to a fits file using the export_fits() command. Follow the examples to learn how to load in the cube first :)
Citing LUCI
If you cite LUCI, please use both the following citations.
Software Citation: Carter Lee Rhea, Laurie Rousseau-Nepton, Jessie Covington, Leo Alcorn, Benjamin Vigneron, Julie Hlavacek-Larrondo, & Louis-Simon Guité. (2021). crhea93/LUCI: Luci Updates (v1.1). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5730149
Paper Citation: Carter Rhea et al 2021 Res. Notes AAS 5 208
If you use the mixture density network (MDN) implementation, please include the following citation: Carter Rhea et al 2021 Res. Notes AAS 12 276
Example Modules:
FAQ & Errors

Indices and tables
The software is protected under the MIT License.