Wavelength Correction

In order to ensure that our velocity measurements (and thus broadening measurements) are as accurate as possible, we need to add two velocity corrections: 1 - Heliocentric correction 2 - Skyline correction

As of now, only the heliocentric corrections has been applied!

Heliocentric Correction

This is the correction due to our movement within our own galaxy. We use the astropy function radial_velocity_correction by passing it the location of the CFHT, the RA/DEC of the target, and the time of the observation. This function simply outputs the velocity in units of km/s.

Skyline Correction

Unfortunately, the wavelength must be calibrated due to slight issues with the SITELLE instrument itself. Thankfully, this is relatively easy to do. In order to calculate the wavelength calibration in each pixel (or spaxel if you prefer), we fit the skylines in the pixel. OK… that would actually take way to long, so instead we split the cube into 100x100 bins and fit the sky lines in each bin.

Please see the example notebook entitled skyline_correction.ipynb.